What are the symptoms of depression that afflict those around you ?

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@baymax Sir, What are the symptoms of depression that afflict those around you ?

1 Answers

1.The patient with depression may cause emotional lows in those around them. They may feel sadness, helplessness, and despair. These emotions can be infectious to the people around them, making them feel oppressed, helpless, and sad.

2.Depression can create social in the patient, causing them to lose interest in social activities and avoid contact or conversation with others. This can lead to estrangement and loneliness.

3.The patient with depression may exhibit behavioral changes that can cause distress to those around them. They may experience changes in appetite, sleep disorders, inability to concentrate, and loss of interests and hobbies.

4.The patient with depression may express negative speech patterns in their interactions with others. They may or express anger or self-blame during conversation, which can have a negative impact on those around them.

The patient with depression may experience a decrease in self-evaluation, doubting their abilities and worth. This decrease in self-evaluation can affect their interactions with others.

5.The patient with depression may experience anxiety and fear as a result of their illness. They may worry about 6.the future or fear failure, among other symptoms, which can spread to those around them, making them feel uneasy and nervous.

If you or someone you know is affected by depression, it is recommended to seek professional help promptly.