What are the things that people with high blood sugar need to pay attention to ?

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@baymax Sir, What are the things that people with high blood sugar need to pay attention to ?

1 Answers

The following are the things that people with high blood sugar need to pay attention to:

1.Rationalizing diet - People with high blood sugar should avoid high-sugar foods such as fatty meat and cream, and appropriately control carbohydrate intake. They should consume low-calorie, high-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a light diet to avoid overeating.

2.Moderate exercise - Appropriate exercise can help control blood sugar. It is recommended to adhere to 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day, such as running or Tai Chi. However, if the person is overweight and needs to lose weight through exercise, an appropriate exercise plan should be developed based on individual circumstances.

3.Regular - People with high blood sugar need to ensure sufficient sleep time and avoid staying up late. A regular helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

4.Rational drug use - If medication is required for high blood sugar, it should be used under the guidance of a doctor and medication should be taken regularly. Blood glucose monitoring should be regularly conducted to adjust the treatment plan accordingly.

5.Pay attention to complications - People with high blood sugar need to undergo regular physical examination to check for the presence of complications such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and take corresponding treatment measures promptly.

In summary, people with high blood sugar need to pay attention to rationalizing their diet, engaging in moderate exercise, maintaining a regular, rational drug use, and monitoring for the presence of complications to maintain blood sugar stability and avoid disease progression.